Tori on May 28, 2020   /   Ruth

Ruthie is hosting a fun afternoon chat with some tap and q&a on Friday, June 5 and you can get in the action by buying a ticket to the show HERE on her new official StageIt page. She’s got the show described as:

I’ll tap my way through an original piece of choreography (probably made up on the spot) to an original tune (being composed right now by a mystery songwriter) just for YOU!

I will also have to sit down more often than not and rest as its been 20 years or so, during which times I will pick random questions and give no doubt random answers in return.

How silly can your questions be? Show me your glory friends.

There will be some dubious rewards (listed below) but more than that – a chance to hang out and hit our feet hard on something solid and call it dance.

So – get yours strapped on and get ready to join in and learn.
Tap you degenerates. TAP.

See you there!

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